Friday, November 17, 2006

Thirty Something Golden Girls

Thirty Something Golden Girls

I just want everyone to know that the Shoppers at Southgate is amazing. I went in there this morning at 4.00am crying because I was exuasusted, hormonal and very worried about Kori who was at home screaming with a high fever. Everybody rushed over to help me out, and made me feel better, got me the Advil and Tylenol I needed and sent me on my way, confident I could make it through the rest of the night. Poor Coco seems so sick she was fine all day yesterday and she went to bed just fine, then around 11.00pm when I went to bed she was up with a fever. I gave her tylenol and that didn't work, gave her a sponge bath, and that helped her sleep for a while, but she kept tossing and turning which kept us awake. By 4.00am I had had it. Now its 7.00am and she's sleeping comfortably, and I have already been working since 6.00am! For those of you who do not know, its a PD day today, which means I will have like 10 kids running around in my house, and its my turn to host Playgroup which means 8 more kids will be here for snack and crafts. And me with no sleep!

Ok I'm done now!
Thanks for listening.

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