Monday, November 06, 2006

I have a date with a new man on Wensday.

I'm going to meet him on Wensday and if we get along, I'm taking him home.
2 others have shown interest, but I will knock them out!!!
His name is Merlot... How fitting. I recall drinking that and lossing myself in crowds?!


crystal#1 said...

Hi,Irini he is so "cute" i did'nt no you were getting a dog. GOOD LUCK GIRL

Tracey said...

Hey - that is awesome! Hershey will have a new friend! How exciting! He's very cute and love his old is he? I honestly think a dog would be good! Hope you guys hit off! Keep me posted!

Irini said...

He is 7 months old! T.J thinks he's ugly 'cause he's gray......

Tracey said...

hmmm...what does TJ know? (kiddin' TJ) Where are u going to get him from? What kind of puppy is he? Is it part poodle?

karina said...

Cute (for a dog...)haha. seriously there is one where i am living and he is really special, but a real barker-good for kingston so i wont get murdered in my sleep!

Tammy said...

You've really gotta get your ass out of Kingston. Did you know that the Ottawa Sun now has a whole column dedicated to Kingston crimes now. It's just a bad bad city.