Thursday, January 18, 2007

New Part -time job

Just wanted to say that I now have an extra client. 4 1/2 year old Tyler. He was diagnosed in July and his parents don't know what to do and were to turn. Right up my alley!!!
So for the next 4 weeks I have him on Mondays and Fridays from 6-8pm
After that I'll increase my hours. Parents are "Down" we chatted openly for 2 1/2 hours at their house last night. He knows Michael Copeland and will try to set up something for me. Maybe this will be my ticket to get the agency up and running!


karina said...

wow! thats great irini! i really think an agency would be a great success, you could start it now with just two clients and watch it grow! you have to start somewhere right. george does work for this lady right now who started with one hearing aid clinic and now she owns five all over ottawa-women are pretty impressive i must say!

Tammy said...

That's awesome! Good for you man...I really hope you get something up and running soon!

Irini said...

Thanks ladies, I love you too!