Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Dakota lost her front tooth!

Heres a pic of Dakota trying to take out her tooth with an apple!
She litterally has no FEAR!

And with great success she got it out! Well, with a little help from me of course!


Irini said...

She is sooo freakin' cute!
What on earth do I get Dylan? Whats our price range? I was a litle tipsy....

T.J. said...

I can't wait to show Tristen these pictures, shes got two ready to fall out.

Tracey said...

Maximum is $10.00! See if you and Crystal would have shut your mouths you wouldn't had to worry.....how about a gift certificate for the movie theatre or midway or something. Or a puzzle...

karina said...

wow she is brave-any very cute! how much did the tooth fairy give her for that one?

Tracey said...

5 bucks!!! The tooth fairy is cheap! She claims she got ripped off 'cause last time she got $10. Besides, She already hit me up for $20 that week for doing chores around the house so she could donate it to sending a child to school and the turkey fund raiser for third world.