Tuesday, October 10, 2006


I just have to show off some new picks of Roman!!


Tracey said...

He's sooo cute! I can't believe how much he has grown...

Irini said...

Hello Handsome!!!

T.J. said...

Very cute Tam! , But you have the same problem as me....., you cary him in around for 9months and he comes out looking nothing like you, he looks just like his daddy, just like my kids.
He is sooooooo damn handsome.
He will make a great younger man for Kori.

Tammy said...

Yah, the little munchkin looks more like his daddy - we don't get any credit for their cuteness!

I agree - Roman and Kori will make a beautiful couple!

karina said...

i think he is saying 'put that damn camera down or i will throw this hanger at you'....very cute!

Tammy said...
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Tammy said...

Lol - it's so true! He actually squints as soon as he sees the camera in fear of the flash. I have officially traumatized my child by taking too many pics.....there goes my hopes for his modeling career lol!