Monday, October 16, 2006


Okay everyone, the pet communicator lady sucked!!! She gave me a whole 5 minutes of her time!!! She told me "he was a happy puppy"! Like I didn't know that! Of course he's happy look at his owner! (please keep don't share your comments with me. Ha!) She said she couldn't feel anything from him....of course she couldn't 'cause she's a freckin' fake!!!! Well, at least my $20 went to a good cause!!!!


Irini said...

Ha! HA! HA! Too freakin'funny!
Remember me when you book the physic!

T.J. said...

I want to go to a psycic too! But I think with tracey's luck someone else should pick her! Poor Tracy

Tracey said...

Listen here, the physic that I am booking is good! This time its from a good source - my mother! She wouldn't go back if she wasn't accurate!!!!!